Inniscarra Community Centre
Executive Committee
Review 2022
The Executive Committee of Inniscarra Community Centre want to thank all those who supported us through the year of celebration marking the Fiftieth Anniversary

Seated: Richard Murphy, Con O'Leary, Margaret Horgan
We are all proud of what has been achieved during those fifty years, culminating in the work that has been completed during this year – such as the upgrading of the Hall lighting and the new lights on the Walkway, the continuing Biodiversity Project, the continuing expansion of the Seniors on the Move, and the installation of exercise equipment on the Walkway. We also have made considerable progress on the project to create a Business Hub in the Centre, for which we have already had our broadband availability upgraded.
The burden, as always, has fallen on the shoulders of the Committee, who are grateful to all those who have helped in whatever way to make these things happen so successfully.
We are currently pursuing a project, SEIA Community Energy Grant with Musgraves, which will include insulating the walls and roof of the Main Building, the installation of a Heat Pump and the installation of solar panels on the roof to provide green energy. We are grateful to SuperValu Tower, who have nominated our Centre for this Community Project. The work will be undertaken in 2023. We consider this project will have a major impact on the future of the Centre by reducing the energy costs.
Other project which will start during the year are the improvement to drainage on the soccer pitches, new doors to be fitted on the Main Hall, an additional annex, currently known as the “Men’s Shed” but we’re open to alternative suggestions!
In order to pay for all this work, we are seeking the help of the Cork County Council and other authorities who have promised to provide grant aid for some of this work. Typically, they will award a percentage of the total costs so we must wait and see what happens. Inevitably, we will have to raise some of the money ourselves and we will therefore be launching a GoFundMe Campaign seeking your help. Previous campaigns have been successful, and we hope that you will be able to help. These are hard times and we know there are many calls upon your generosity, but we will appreciate anything you can do to help us go green.